Vitamins of group B Tianshi

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Fortifying vitamins

Release form


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Package quantity, pcs


Scope of the drug





The immune system




B vitamins are involved in almost all biochemical processes in the human body.

They give energy to cells, trigger fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

B vitamins are water-soluble, they are quickly washed out of the body and therefore require constant replenishment.

All B vitamins are classified as neurotropic, since they are vital for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

A decrease in the concentration of these substances in the blood leads to damage to the peripheral nerves.

With a lack of B vitamins, a person experiences various ailments, such as:

fatigue, irritability

lack of appetite

forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, impaired concentration

early graying, hair loss, dandruff

depression, fear, poor sleep

headache, tinnitus

heart palpitations, poor circulation

numbness of the limbs, cramps in the arms and legs

difficulty walking, joint pain, muscle pain

weakening of vision and memory

inflammation of the gums, cracks in the corners of the lips, bad breath

To eliminate all these symptoms, it is necessary to regularly replenish the lack of vitamins of group B. Moreover, it has been clinically proven that it is best to take them in combination.

This applies to drug intake, as well as intake in the form of dietary supplements and directly from food containing these vitamins.

At present, nutritionists have developed whole nutrition programs to replenish the diet with B vitamins. In addition, B vitamins are prescribed separately in medical institutions and in complexes for injections.

With all this, almost the majority of the population is deficient in B vitamins and is faced with all the ailments listed earlier.

For what reason?

There are several reasons.

The content of B vitamins in food products has decreased to a minimum due to the inadequate quality of the products (which have undergone certain chemical treatments, grown with the use of special fertilizers, etc.).

The courses recommended by doctors are designed mainly for 10 days (10 injections), in addition, the recommendations are in line with the general treatment program for a specific diagnosis with which a person applied.

Prophylactically, such courses are rarely held.

B vitamins are water-soluble, they are quickly flushed out of the body, therefore, their constant replenishment is necessary.

The most acceptable and, perhaps, the best option is to take B vitamins in the form of dietary supplements of natural origin.

Such dietary supplements practically do not cause allergic reactions and are well absorbed.

Of course, at the same time, no one cancels proper and high-quality nutrition.

Vitamins of group B in the composition of dietary supplements of the Tyanshi company are presented in a complex manner.

1 tablet contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12.

This technique ensures their balanced supply to all organs and systems.

They nourish brain cells, create an optimistic and efficient state, protect billions of brain cells from aging, help preserve memory, focus, calm and nourish the nervous system, stimulate energy production in cells, improve visual acuity, hair, nails, skin, maintain slimness , cheerfulness, prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Vitamins B in the complex work in a friendly manner.

But at the same time, each of them performs its own specific function.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is a vitamin of optimism, with its lack, excruciating fatigue, irritability appear, appetite worsens, sleep is disturbed, tingling in the hands and feet appears - alarming symptoms for a person.

Vitamin B1 provides nutrition to brain cells, nervous system, eliminates these symptoms.

Vitamin B2 - riboflavin - is called an energy source. It supports the life of a working cell.

Riboflavin is a kind of engine of the body.

It is part of two enzymes that help convert fats and carbohydrates into energy.

Vitamin is very necessary for people who are constantly under stress, as it promotes the release of stress hormones, such as adrenaline, into the bloodstream.

Riboflavin is especially important for physical workers and athletes who consume a lot of energy.

Vitamins B3 - niacin - a medicine for nerve cells. Niacin is a common name for two substances that contain vitamin B3. These are nicotinic acid and nicotinamide. The niacin molecule is resistant to high temperatures, acids, alkalis, and powerful ultraviolet rays. It is not damaged due to the fact that it contains nitrogen and due to the fact that it is very simple in structure. Free radicals cannot catch" it and destroy it - it is very mobile. These properties of vitamin B3 are extremely important for humans, since the speed with which niacin is able to treat diseases is comparable only to the effectiveness of vitamin C.

Niacin is involved in the conversion of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates into energy. If little vitamin B3 is supplied, then niacin begins to form in the body from the protein tryptophan. Tryptophan has a very strong sedative effect on the body. The more it is consumed, the less is left for calming the nerves and good sleep, so the intake of niacin in the body is very important for the regulation of the nervous system. Unfortunately, the body cannot store niacin for future use, so you need to take care of its daily replenishment.

B3 is the only vitamin that is an integral part of hormonal metabolism. Niacin plays an important role in metabolism because it is an acid. Niacin inhibits the release of fatty acids and thus reduces cholesterol (according to research) by 22% and triglycerides by 52%. In addition, niacin dilates blood vessels, restoring blood circulation. This property is able to help people suffering from migraines.

B5 - pantothenic acid - beauty vitamin. As panthenol, it is found in skin care creams and shampoos. Viatimine B5 stimulates metabolic processes in skin cells, promotes their renewal, and has a calming effect in case of burns. B5 makes the skin smooth, supple and healthy. Penetrating deep into tissues, it moisturizes them, binding water in them. B5 protects hair from gray hair. Pantothenic acid is necessary to neutralize toxins and foreign substances (xenobiotics) and remove them from the body. B5 activates B-lymphocytes, which produce antibodies and protect the body from infections. It is especially necessary for the functioning of the liver, heart and lungs, and the central nervous system.

B5, together with other B vitamins, regulates carbohydrate metabolism, participates in the synthesis of fatty and bile acids, cholesterol and hemoglobin, hormones of the adrenal cortex. With a lack of pantothenic acid, a person may feel tingling and numbness in the toes, and burning pains in the legs may appear.

B6 - pyridoxine. Biochemists claim that more than 100 different ailments in humans arise from a lack of vitamin B6. Pyridoxine synthesizes in the liver the enzyme transaminase, which is involved in the processing of amino acids. This enzyme can also regulate protein absorption. The stronger the stress, the more biogenic amines are produced with the help of pyridoxine, that is, an active charged protein. For example, adrenaline. Pyridoxine does not accumulate in the liver and therefore requires constant replenishment. B6 deficiency causes a decrease in immunity, decreases the quantity and quality of antibodies against various pathogens. With pyridoxine deficiency, the thymus gland (the headquarters of our immune system) shrinks even more than with normal aging. Unfortunately, it is impossible to reverse this process, even replenishing vitamin B6 reserves.It is necessary to avoid deficiency of this vitamin.

For women in menopause, it is recommended to increase the intake of pyridoxine. Interacting with folic acid and other B vitamins, pyridoxine activates the conversion of the amino acid methionine into cysteine, which is necessary for strengthening connective tissue. Without vitamin B6 and folic acid, a dangerous substance is formed from the cysteine ��present in the body of a woman - homocysteine, which causes painful changes in bones and joints. In addition, in women using contraceptives, the concentration of vitamin B6 decreases by 20% already three hours after taking the pill, as a result of which serious mental disorders can begin. The bottom line is that one of the breakdown products, xanthuric acid, forms an insoluble compound with the pancreatic hormone insulin, which ensures the absorption of sugar and neutralizes it.Even with normal blood sugar, brain cells remain without a source of energy and severe mental disorders develop in a woman's body. Pyridoxine in such cases can help faster and better than any doctor. With diets and fasting, pyridoxine deficiency is very common. It does not accumulate in the body, so you need to take care of the replenishment of vitamin B6 and B vitamins in general in time.

B9 - folic acid. Signs of a lack of B9 in the body: fatigue, weakness, headache, memory impairment, blood diseases (macrocytic anemia), damage to the oral mucosa, tongue, gastrointestinal tract. Folic acid is called the "vitamin for women". It is especially important during pregnancy, as it prevents anemia, contributes to the correct formation of the fetus.

Folic acid is also necessary for men. Recent studies have shown that it protects the heart from heart attacks, the brain from strokes. American scientists have determined that homocysteine, a toxic metabolic product, can be the cause of cardiovascular disease. With a normal content of B vitamins and folic acid, this compound quickly turns into harmless forms. However, with a lack of these vitamins, homocysteine ��molecules live longer, while damaging the walls of blood vessels. It is noted that folic acid slows down the aging process, graying hair, gives the skin a healthy look and elasticity, especially in combination with the entire complex of B vitamins.

Vitamin B12 is an antianemic vitamin.

With its help, anemia (of any etiology) is treated.

Vitamin B12 deficiency leads to disorders in both the nervous system and the mental sphere.

One of the main tasks of vitamin B12 is to produce methionine, which controls feelings of kindness, joy, and love.

Taking it, a person feels strength in the body, awakens the joy of life, a sense of health, calmness, self-confidence.

B vitamins are prescribed in almost all prevention, treatment and rehabilitation programs, therefore it is so important that their intake into the body is constant, daily.

Tablets with B group vitamins from Tianshi's company provide a daily basis of the vitamin B-complex, the rest of the amount people can get from food.

In this way it will maintain excellent health and well-being for years to come.


gelatinized starch (potato), microcrystalline cellulose (E460, carrier), sodium, carboxymethyl starch, silica gel, vitamim B3 (7.5 mg), hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (E464, stabilizer), vitamin B5 (3.85 mg), titanium dioxide) (E17) , magnesium stearate (E470, anti-caking agent), vitamin B1 (0.85mg), vitamin B2 (0.8mg), vitamin B6 (0.7mg), vitamin B9 (0.25mg), vitamin B12 (0.0015mg).



Fortifying vitamins

Release form


Manufacturer country


Package quantity, pcs


Scope of the drug





The immune system



For children


Mode of application

adults 2 tablets 1 time per day with meals.

Way of introduction

Through the mouth

Vacation conditions

Without recipe

Contraindications dietary supplements

Dietary supplement.


Expiration date in days


A type

Dietary supplement

Package weight, g

one hundred

Type of vitamins


Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)


Vitamin B5


Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)


Vitamin B6


Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid)


Vitamin B12

Information on technical characteristics, delivery set, country of manufacture "

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