Visual test strips 'Alcosensor' # 25

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Test purpose

Definition of alcohol

Amount in a package


Manufacturer country


Brand name

Biosensor AN OOO

A type

Test strips


25 tests per box


Indicator strips for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of alcohol in saliva ALCOSENSOR are intended for the qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of alcohol in saliva in medical institutions, as well as at home (for rapid in vitro diagnostic analysis).

Applications - self-testing, clinical laboratory diagnostics, clinical medicine, emergency express diagnostics.

Qualitative and semi-quantitative determination of alcohol in saliva is used as an auxiliary method to control the concentration of alcohol in the blood in human saliva, screening and monitoring the state of alcohol intoxication, the effectiveness of the procedure for detoxification of the human body.

Alcohol - ethyl or wine alcohol, which is a clear, colorless liquid with a characteristic odor. There are two types of alcohol: endogenous or physiological (produced by the human body itself) and exogenous (enters the body from the outside). The content of physiological alcohol in the blood is about 0.001-0.01% (0.01-0.1% o, ppm) and serves to participate in the regulation processes: elasticity and permeability of cell membranes energy, metabolic reactions metabolism of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine and is also necessary for the synthesis of endogenous morphine-like substances (endorphins), etc. Depending on the human body, the content of exogenous alcohol in the blood is from 0.02% (0.2% o,ppm) and higher inhibits the activity of the central nervous system and slows down many vital processes, slows down its reaction, negatively affects the eye, coordination, and also poisons the body itself as a whole. Depending on the characteristics of the human body, including the quality and quantity of simultaneous intake of non-alcoholic beverages and food, the concentration of exogenous alcohol in biological fluids (blood, saliva, tears, etc.) is approximately equalized 0.5-1.5 hours after its last use. For example, the correlation coefficient of exogenous alcohol in blood and saliva is very close to 1.including the quality and quantity of simultaneous intake of soft drinks and food, the concentration of exogenous alcohol in biological fluids (blood, saliva, tears, etc.) approximately leveled out in 0.5-1.5 hours after its last consumption. For example, the correlation coefficient of exogenous alcohol in blood and saliva is very close to 1.including the quality and quantity of simultaneous intake of soft drinks and food, the concentration of exogenous alcohol in biological fluids (blood, saliva, tears, etc.) approximately leveled out in 0.5-1.5 hours after its last consumption. For example, the correlation coefficient of exogenous alcohol in blood and saliva is very close to 1.

Test strips are intended for in vitro diagnostics.

Test strips are for single use only.

Potential risk class - 2a.


1. Control at a temperature (+ 15� + 30 ° С).

2. Open the case or open the bag, remove the indicator strip from it.

If the indicator strips are packed in a pencil case, immediately close the latter tightly with a lid.

3. Immerse the sensor strip completely in saliva.

After 8-10 seconds, remove the indicator strip and remove the excess liquid on the sensor element by carefully touching the edge of the indicator strip to clean filter paper (paper towel, napkin, toilet paper, etc.) for 2-4 seconds.

4. Place the indicator strip on a flat dry surface with the sensor element facing up.

5. After 2 minutes (but not more than 5 minutes) from the moment of immersion of the sensor element in the solution, compare the color of the sensor element with the color scale on the package label in good light.


Registration of the obtained analysis results can be carried out visually.


Do not compare the color of the sensor element with the color scale in direct sunlight.


During the test, do not touch the sensor element of the Test Strip with your hands.

A semi-quantitative determination is carried out by comparing the color of the sensor element with the corresponding color fields of the scale.

Changes in color, which can only occur at the edges of the sensory area (edging), are not diagnostic.


Strict adherence to the instructions for use is essential to obtain reliable results!


Test purpose

Definition of alcohol

Amount in a package


Manufacturer country


Brand name

Biosensor AN OOO

A type

Test strips

Package weight, g


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