Target T tab. for rassas. homeopathic # 50

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Scope of the drug


Release form


Manufacturer country


Package quantity, pcs



Release form

Sublingual tablets.


50 pcs.

pharmachologic effect

Goal T is a complex homeopathic preparation with chondroprotective, chondrostimulating, regenerating, metabolic and analgesic effects.

Therapeutic efficacy Goal T is determined by the properties of plant, biological, mineral components, as well as stimulators of metabolic processes that are part of it.

Target T has analgesic (Rhus toxicodendron), anti-inflammatory (Dulcamara) effects

normalizes impaired metabolism in cartilage, synovial membrane and synovial fluid (Nadid, Coenzym A, A-Liponsaure, Natrium oxalaceticum), promotes restoration of affected bones and periosteum (Symphytum), strengthens ligaments and connective tissue (Acidum silicicum colloidale).


Target T is used in the complex therapy of the following conditions:

degenerative diseases of the joints (arthrosis - gonarthrosis, polyarthrosis, spondyloarthrosis, periarthritis of the shoulder scapula), spine (osteochondrosis) and ligamentous structures (chondropathy, tendopathy)

metabolic osteopathy

consequences of injuries and fractures of the spine

pathogenetic therapy of lumbar and cervical spine syndrome" (lumbo-sacral disorders, cervical migraine)

rheumatic diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatoid arthritis, Reiter's syndrome).


Hypersensitivity to sumach poison, Compositae and other components of the drug.

special instructions

To enhance the therapeutic efficacy, the simultaneous use of all three dosage forms of the drug Target T.

For joint diseases, combined therapy with Traumeel S.


1 tablet (300 mg) contains: Cartilago suis D4, Funiculus umbilicalis suis D4, Embryo suis D4, Placenta suis D4 0.3 mg each, Toxicodendron quercifolium D2 0.54 mg, Arnica montana D1 0.6 mg, Solanum dulcamara D2 0 , 15 mg, Symphytum officinale D8 0.15 mg, Sanguinaria canadensis D3 0.45 mg, Sulfur D6 0.54 mg, Acidum silicicum D6 3.0 mg, Nadidum D6, Coenzymum A D6, Acidum alpha-liponicum D6, Natrium oxalaceticum D6 0.03 mg each.

Method of administration and dosage

Keep the tablets in the mouth until they are completely absorbed, 1 tablet 3-5 times a day.

Side effects

Allergic reactions.

Storage conditions

In a dry, dark place at room temperature.

Name ENG


Clinical and pharmacological group

Homeopathic medicine used for inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system

ATX code

Other drugs for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system


1 tablet (300 mg) contains: Cartilago suis D4, Funiculus umbilicalis suis D4, Embryo suis D4, Placenta suis D4 0.3 mg each, Toxicodendron quercifolium D2 0.54 mg, Arnica montana D1 0.6 mg, Solanum dulcamara D2 0 , 15 mg, Symphytum officinale D8 0.15 mg, Sanguinaria canadensis D3 0.45 mg, Sulfur D6 0.54 mg, Acidum silicicum D6 3.0 mg, Nadidum D6, Coenzymum A D6, Acidum alpha-liponicum D6, Natrium oxalaceticum D6 0.03 mg each.


arthrosis, including gonarthrosis, spondyloarthrosis

humeroscapular periarthritis.

Storage conditions and periods

In a dry, dark place at a temperature of 15-25 degrees.

Expiration date: 5 years

INN / Active ingredient

Sanguinaria canadensis (Sanguinaria), Funiculus umbilicalis suis, Coenzym A D6, Cartilago suis, Acidum silicum (Silicea) D6, Solanum dulcamara (Dulcamara) D2, Nadidum D6, Embryo totalis suis, Placenta mona total suis, -alpha-liponicum (Acidum alpha-liponicum) D6, Symphytum officinale (Symphytum) D8, Natrium diethyloxalaceticum, Sulfur D6, Toxicodendron quercifolium [Rhus toxicodendron] (Toxicodendron oakleaf) D2


age up to 18 years due to insufficient clinical data

lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption

increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, including oakytoxicodendron and plants of the Asteraceae family.




Scope of the drug


Release form


Manufacturer country


Package quantity, pcs


Way of introduction

Through the mouth

Vacation conditions

Without recipe

Brand name


The amount of the dosage form in the primary package

50 pcs.

Primary packaging type

Pencil case

Type of consumer packaging

Pack of cardboard

Pharmaco-therapeutic group

Homeopathic remedy

Dosage form

Homeopathic lozenges

Expiration date in days


Package weight, g


Mode of application


Keep the tablets in the mouth until they are completely absorbed, 1 tablet 3-5 times a day.

Dosage (volume) of the substance in the preparation


Cartilago suis (kartilyago suis) D2 0.001 g, Funiculus umbilicalis suis (funiculus umbilicalis suis) D2 0.001 g, Embryo totalis suis (embryo totalis suis) D2 0.001 g, Placenta totalis suis (placenta totalis suis) D2 0.001 g, Rronhus toxicodexic quercifolium) (rus toxicodendron (toxicodendron quercifolium)) D2 0.27 g, Arnica montana (Arnica) (arnica montana (arnica)) D2 0.3 g, Solanum dulcamara (Dulcamara) (solanum dulcamara (Symtale officine)) D2 0.075 g ) (symphitum officialale (symphitum)) D8 0.75 g, Sanguinaria canadensis (Sanguinaria) (sanguinaria canadensis (sanguinaria)) D2 0.225 g, Sulfur (sulfur) D6 0.27 g, Nadidum (nadidum) D6 0.01 g, Coenzym A D6 0.01 g, Acidum DL -? - liponicum (Acidum alpha-liponicum) (acidum DL -? - liponicum (acidum alpha-liponicum)) D6 0.01 g

Natrium diethyloxalaceticum (Natrium diethyloxalacetat) (sodium diethylloxalaceticum (sodium diethylloxalaceticum)) D6 0.01 g

Acidum silicum (Silicea) (acidum silicicum (silicea)) D6 1 g

Information on technical characteristics, delivery set, country of manufacture "

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