Places Midin-sensor solution for places and pl. bottle-dropper 50ml # 1

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Scope of the drug


Release form


Manufacturer country


Package quantity, pcs


Minimum age from

3 years old


Dosage form

Transparent or almost transparent, colorless or slightly colored liquid, containing no visible suspended particles.


1 ml of the drug contains:

Active ingredients:

Octenidine dihydrochloride 1.0 mg, Phenoxyethanol 20.0 mg


Sodium chloride 0.5 mg, Propyl betainamide of coconut oil fatty acids (cocamidopropyl betaine) 3.0 mg, Sodium gluconate 4.0 mg, Glycerol anhydrous 5.0 mg, 0.05 M sodium hydroxide solution or 0.05 M hydrochloric acid solution to pH 5.0 - 7.0, Water for injection up to 1.0 ml.

pharmachologic effect

Midin-Sense has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action, fungicidal and virucidal activity due to the hydrophobic interaction of octenidine dihydrochloride and phenoxyethanol with the cytoplasmic membranes of pathogenic microorganisms.

The spectrum of antimicrobial activity covers spore and asporogenic microflora, gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (aerobic and anaerobic), fungi of the genus dermatophytes and candida, lipophilic viruses, mycoplasma, ureaplasma.

Resistance with short-term or long-term use of MestaMidin-Sense does not develop.

The drug does not have a toxic effect and is practically not absorbed through mucous membranes, skin and wound surfaces, destroys microorganisms without damaging tissue cells.

The use of the drug promotes the healing of wounds and burns.

Side effects

Adverse events (AEs) are distributed according to the frequency of occurrence.

The following criteria were used to assess the frequency: very often (? 1/10)

often (? 1/100, < 1/10)

infrequently (? 1/1000, < 1/100)

rarely (? 1/10000, < 1/1000)

very rare (< 1/10000), including isolated messages.

Within each group, the frequencies of AEs are ranked in decreasing order of severity.

General disorders and reactions at the site of application:

Rarely: burning, redness, itching, warmth at the site of application.

Very rare: contact allergic reaction, for example, temporary redness at the site of application.

A bitter taste may occur when rinsing the mouth.

Side effects may include swelling, induration, pain, blisters, eczema in the area of ��application.

Pediatric population

The frequency, type and severity of adverse reactions in children are the same as in adults.

In case of improper use (for example, injections into tissues, see the section Special instructions"), edema and tissue damage may occur, up to necrosis.

If you have any side effects indicated in the instructions, or they are aggravated, or you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, inform your doctor.

Selling features

Available without a prescription

Special conditions

Avoid contact with eyes.

If a significant amount of the drug accidentally gets into the stomach, it should be rinsed with plenty of water and activated charcoal.

Avoid swallowing MestaMidin-Sense when used in the oral cavity.

In order to prevent tissue damage, it is forbidden to inject the drug into the tissue under pressure, especially with a syringe.

Always ensure drainage.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and mechanisms

The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or engage in other potentially hazardous activities requiring increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.


- Treatment of skin and mucous membranes before diagnostic and surgical measures in pediatric, surgical and obstetric-gynecological practice, in traumatology, proctology, dermatovenerology, otolaryngology, dentistry.

- For the treatment of wound and burn surfaces.

- For the prevention of mycoses of the feet and interdigital mycoses.

In children's practice without age restrictions.


Name ENG


Clinical and pharmacological group


ATX code

Other antiseptics and disinfectants


1mg / ml + 20mg / ml x 50ml


1 ml of the preparation contains: Active ingredients: Octenidine dihydrochloride 1.0 mg, Phenoxyethanol 20.0 mg.

Excipients: sodium chloride 0.5 mg, coconut oil propyl betainamide fatty acids (cocamidopropyl betaine) 3.0 mg, sodium gluconate 4.0 mg, anhydrous glycerol 5.0 mg, 0.05 M sodium hydroxide solution or 0.05 M solution hydrochloric acid to pH 5.0 - 7.0, Water for injection up to 1.0 ml.


Treatment of skin and mucous membranes before diagnostic and surgical measures in pediatric, surgical and obstetric-gynecological practice, in traumatology, proctology, dermatovenerology, otolaryngology, dentistry.

- For the treatment of wound and burn surfaces.

- For the prevention of mycoses of the feet and interdigital mycoses.

In children's practice without age restrictions.


Hypersensitivity to drug components

Storage conditions and periods

At a temperature not higher than 25 degrees.

Expiration date: 3 years

INN / Active ingredient

phenoxyethanol, octenidine


Scope of the drug


Release form


Manufacturer country


Package quantity, pcs


Minimum age from

3 years old

Way of introduction




Vacation conditions

Without recipe

Brand name


The amount of the dosage form in the primary package

50 ml

Primary packaging type

Polymer bottle with dropper stopper

Type of consumer packaging

Pack of cardboard

Pharmaco-therapeutic group


Anatomical and therapeutic characteristics

D08AJ57 Octenidine, in combination with other drugs

Dosage form

Solution for local and external use

Dosage (volume) of the substance in the preparation

Octenidine dihydrochloride 1.0 mg, Phenoxyethanol 20.0 mg

Expiration date in days


The target audience


Package weight, g






Antiseptics and disinfectants






Antimicrobial agents

Mode of application


Surgery, traumatology, proctology, pediatrics < br> For prophylactic and therapeutic purposes, the skin and mucous membranes are irrigated. < br> The affected surface must be treated completely. The drug can be applied to hard-to-reach areas by spraying. Exposure time is not less than 1-2 minutes. < br> < br> Obstetrics, gynecology < br> Sanitation of the birth canal < br> Sanitation of the birth canal is carried out by irrigation using a cannula, undiluted solution once a day, for 5-7 days. < br> < br> Treatment of the operating field < br> Before surgery, the operating field is treated with a sterile napkin, abundantly moistened with the preparation, or irrigated with a cannula. The surface must be treated twice. < br> < br> Treatment of hands of obstetrician-gynecologist < br> Before using the drug, hands and forearms are thoroughly washed with warm water and neutral soap for 2 minutes, dried with a sterile gauze napkin. < br> The preparation is applied to thoroughly washed and dried hands (at least two times 3-5 ml each), exposure time - 5 minutes. Sterile gloves should only be worn on dry hands. < br> < br> Treatment of the nipples of the mammary glands < br> For the treatment of the nipples for prophylactic purposes and for the treatment of cracks, the nipples are treated with the drug immediately after feeding. Immediately before the next feeding of the child, it is necessary to wipe the mammary glands with a cloth moistened with boiled water. < br> < br> Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) < br> For the prevention of STDs, the drug is used no later than 30 minutes after intercourse.It is necessary to carry out abundant irrigation or wiping with a moistened cotton swab of the skin and mucous membranes of the external genital organs. < br> < br> Treatment of skin and mucous membranes in newborns < br> Places Midin-Sense is used undiluted to treat umbilical wounds, before placing venous cannulas, central venous catheters, peripheral catheters, by irrigation or by wiping with a swab, generously moistened with antiseptic. < br> < br> Treatment of postoperative sutures < br> Is carried out by irrigation using a cannula or by wiping with a tampon, abundantly moistened with the preparation, 2 times a day for 5-7 days. < br> < br> Otolaryngology - Adults. < br> Irrigation of the oral cavity using a cannula by double pressing, 3-4 times a day.< br> For rinsing the mouth and throat, it is recommended to use 20 ml of the drug for 20 seconds. It is possible to dilute the drug in a 1: 1 ratio (1 part of MestaMidina-sense and 1 part of drinking water). < br> Rinsing the mouth and throat is recommended only for patients who can rinse their mouths themselves. Film Children. < br> For children aged 3-6 years: treatment of the oral cavity with a tampon, abundantly moistened with the preparation (3-5 ml), 3-4 times a day. < br> Children aged 7-14: rinse the mouth (5-7 ml), 3-4 times a day. It is possible to dilute the drug in a 1: 1 ratio (1 part of MestaMidina-sense and 1 part of drinking water). < br> For children over 14 years of age: irrigation of the oral cavity using a cannula with a single push, 3-4 times a day.For rinsing the mouth and throat, it is recommended to use 10 ml of the drug for 20 seconds. It is possible to dilute the drug in a 1: 1 ratio (1 part of MestaMidina-sense and 1 part of drinking water). < br> The duration of therapy is from 4 to 7 days, depending on the timing of the onset of remission. < br> Exhibition Dentistry. < br> Rinsing the mouth and pharynx is recommended only for patients who can rinse their mouths themselves. In this case, 20 ml of the drug is used for rinsing the oral cavity and pharyngeal cavity for 20 seconds. Contact time should not exceed 1 minute. < br> If the patient is not able to rinse out on their own, you can wipe the mouth and throat with a moistened swab. In this case, the contact time should not exceed 2 minutes. In any case, you should make surethat the drug has not entered the respiratory tract. < br> Perhaps p

Information on technical characteristics, delivery set, country of manufacture "

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