Oil 'ZHIVA No. 5' with propolis and herbal supplements, antiparasitic complex.

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Release form


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Purpose of dietary supplements



For the stomach and intestines


From parasites

Package quantity, pcs



Oil with propolis and herbal additives ZHIVA No. 5" is a complex of vegetable oils, fat-soluble vitamins and flavonoids, used as a non-medicinal restorative and health-improving agent for the destruction of parasites at various stages of their development. The product is based on folk recipes for using the healing properties of trees and herbs, combined and enhanced by the wonderful properties of propolis. Biologically active substances of beekeeping products and plant components of propolis oil have an antiparasitic and blood-purifying effect, destroy parasites at various stages of their development (relieve blood, intestines, liver and the whole body from parasites and their larvae), cleanse the body (actively remove toxins, carcinogens, toxins , cleanse the blood from the decay products of tumors and the vital activity of parasites),stimulate metabolic processes, strengthen immunity, help restore the resistance of the human body to helminthic invasions, strengthen the immune system, increase the body's protective properties against bacterial and viral diseases. Useful for intestinal infections, helminthic infestations, residual residual manifestations of parasites allergic diseases (food, medicinal) dermatology (eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis) intoxication and slagging of the body. They are a source of natural antioxidants, flavonoids, polyphenolic compounds, contain tannins, vitamins, macro- and microelements.increase the protective properties of the body against bacterial and viral diseases. Useful for intestinal infections, helminthic infestations, residual residual manifestations of parasites allergic diseases (food, medicinal) dermatology (eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis) intoxication and slagging of the body. They are a source of natural antioxidants, flavonoids, polyphenolic compounds, contain tannins, vitamins, macro- and microelements.increase the protective properties of the body against bacterial and viral diseases. Useful for intestinal infections, helminthic infestations, residual residual manifestations of parasites allergic diseases (food, medicinal) dermatology (eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis) intoxication and slagging of the body. They are a source of natural antioxidants, flavonoids, polyphenolic compounds, contain tannins, vitamins, macro- and microelements.macro- and microelements.macro- and microelements.

Included in the composition:

- Propolis is the strongest natural antibiotic. It is well known that bacteria and viruses mutate and adapt to any medicine. Over time, they acquire the genetic code of the antibiotic, and the medicine becomes food for them. However, there are no bacteria that can accommodate propolis. Propolis has antiseptic properties. It destroys bacteria, viruses and fungi. In addition, propolis is a strong anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, regenerating, anti-radiation, tonic, immunostimulating, wound-healing, analgesic and strengthening substance, as well as a source of a whole spectrum of biologically beneficial natural elements. The properties of propolis are due to the presence of more than 200 different substances in its composition,beneficially affecting the human body - an almost complete composition of trace elements necessary for a person, flavonoids, extramines, enzymes, oils, amino acids and fatty acids. The flavonoids included in propolis have an anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membranes. They allow you to strengthen connective tissues and blood vessels, prevent the breakdown of extramin. The anti-toxic effect of propolis extract is important for various infectious diseases, which are accompanied by bright intoxication of the body.The anti-toxic effect of propolis extract is important for various infectious diseases, which are accompanied by a bright intoxication of the body.The anti-toxic effect of propolis extract is important for various infectious diseases, which are accompanied by bright intoxication of the body.

- Olive oil includes many vitamins and minerals, fatty acids (Omega-6, oleic, palmitic, etc.), thanks to which it is considered an indispensable component of dietary nutrition. Vitamins E, K and B4, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron significantly reduce the likelihood of atherosclerosis and heart disease. Phenolic compounds in olives allow to normalize many physiological parameters of a person - cellular and platelet function, plasma lipoproteins Monounsaturated fats, on the other hand, stabilize sugar and regulate insulin taking oil can slow down the penetration of glucose into the bloodstream and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

- Grape seed oil contains protein, vitamins A, B, C, PP, and especially a lot of vitamins E and P, procyanidin, trace elements, fatty acids, antioxidants, natural chlorophyll. The oil has such properties as: saturates the body with vitamins, strengthens the nervous system, lowers cholesterol, strengthens the immune system, improves blood circulation and lowers blood pressure.

- Black cumin oil. The beneficial properties of black cumin oil make it possible to use it not only in cooking, but also for medicinal purposes, for example, against helminthiasis. In addition to fatty acids that are found in abundance in black seed oil (Omega 6, Omega 3, Omega 9, palmitic, stearic), it also includes a whole range of vitamins and mineral compounds: 15 amino acids, 8 of them are irreplaceable carotenoids B vitamins retinol vitamin D ascorbic acid phospholipids flavonoids calcium, sodium, magnesium, zinc, manganese. Caraway extract, getting into the human body, directly affects those organ systems that secrete active substances (mainly lysozyme) that fight the reproduction of parasites. In addition, the composition of black cumin oil contains elements that are toxins for helminths.The advantage of such a remedy is the absence of side toxic effects on the human body, as well as the ability to affect not only adult worms, but also their eggs and larvae. The agent in question is effective not only for combating helminths, but also for their prevention. The main factors that determine the antiparasitic effect of black cumin extract: destructive effect on the parasite, larvae and eggs soft mechanical removal of helminths from the body cleansing of waste products of parasites and tissue restoration at the cellular level.but also for their prevention. The main factors that determine the antiparasitic effect of black cumin extract: destructive effect on the parasite, larvae and eggs soft mechanical removal of helminths from the body cleansing of waste products of parasites and tissue restoration at the cellular level.but also for their prevention. The main factors that determine the antiparasitic effect of black cumin extract: destructive effect on the parasite, larvae and eggs soft mechanical removal of helminths from the body cleansing of waste products of parasites and tissue restoration at the cellular level.

- Pumpkin seed oil. Pumpkin seeds are one of the most effective and popular herbal remedies with scientifically proven anthelmintic properties. But with all the advantages, they contain a small dose of cucurbitin - exactly the amino acid that destroys parasites. That is why it is recommended to use pumpkin seed oil, since the dose of cucurbitin in it is much higher. This amino acid acts very gently on the body.

- Clove oil. Initially, clove and clove oil from parasites began to be used in the countries of the Ancient East. This is due to the early discovered special properties in the fight against helminthiasis. Until now, clove oil against parasites has not lost its relevance. The benefits for the human body are due to the huge amount of useful substances contained in the buds of this plant, including: essential oils, which have a powerful antimicrobial effect vitamins A, C, B, E various trace elements aromatic compounds ash tannins. The phenolic substance found in clove oil actively destroys the outer shell of helminths, larvae and eggs and removes them from the patient's body. Oil from worms frees not only the digestive system, but also blood plasma, reproductive organs,nervous system.

- Calamus (marsh). Calamus rhizome contains up to 48% essential oil, consisting of a mixture of monoterpenes (camphene, camphor, borneol), sesquiterpenes (acoron), aromatic compounds (asarone, eugenol), ascorbic acid, tannins, mucus, starch and bitter glycoside. Thanks to this chemical composition, calamus root helps to get rid of nematodes, roundworms, liver, lung and intestinal worms.

- Ginger for parasites is one of the best helpers in this matter, since it is recognized as an effective remedy in alternative medicine.

By itself, ginger does not kill worms, but it is able to create conditions in the digestive system under which helminths simply cannot reproduce and, accordingly, survive.

The composition of ginger is a real storehouse of various microelements, vitamins, organic acids, sucrose and fructose.

When getting rid of worms, the following properties are especially valuable: choleretic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, analgesic, regenerating.

- Calendula has a bactericidal effect.

Calendula oil extract has strong antiparasitic properties, making the body healthier as a whole.

- Tansy.

In folk medicine, tansy for worms has been used for many centuries.

She copes with all round helminths, including the most common - roundworms and pinworms.

The anthelmintic effect is provided by the substance thujone, which is part of the tansy oil.

The impact of thujone on the helminth leads to its death.

- Cardamom, turmeric, basil.

What should be preferred to provide immunity with useful vitamins and cleanse the body from parasites?

Spices and herbs are the main protectors of health.

There are spices in the cuisines of all countries of the world.

Herbs and spices are endowed with a bitter taste that repels parasites, which is why they are quickly excreted from the body naturally.


Propolis, olive oil, grape seed oil, black cumin oil, pumpkin oil, clove oil, oil extracts of calamus (marsh) root, ginger, cardamom, calendula, turmeric, basil, tansy.


non-medicinal restorative and health-improving agent for the destruction of parasites at various stages of their development.


intolerance to the components, exercise caution during pregnancy and lactation.






Release form


Manufacturer country


Purpose of dietary supplements



For the stomach and intestines


From parasites

Package quantity, pcs


Scope of the drug

Gastrointestinal tract


Heart, vessels, blood


The immune system

Volume, ml.

100 ml

Vacation conditions

Without recipe

Contraindications dietary supplements

Dietary supplement.


Expiration date in days


A type

Dietary supplement

Package weight, g


Mode of application


We recommend that you start taking "ALIVE в„–5" by? teaspoon per reception 2 times a day. After 4-5 days, you can increase the number of receptions to 3 per day for? teaspoon. Focusing on the result of taking, within 7-8 days, you should bring the dose up to 3 times, 1 teaspoon per day. Propolis oil should be taken 30 minutes before meals on an empty stomach. Duration - 21 days. If necessary, repeat the course after a break of 7-10 days.


If the recommended dose is high for you and causes undesirable effects, you need to reduce it by 2 times.

If you do not feel the effect after two weeks of taking, try first to reduce the dose by half for 1 week, and then increase it by 2 times.

You may need a lower or higher dose.

When taking the product, you must first of all be guided by your well-being and the result obtained.

Information on technical characteristics, delivery set, country of manufacture "

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