Choline alfoscerat solution for iv. and w / mouse. enter 250 mg / ml 4 ml 3 pcs. (Choline alfostserat)

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Pharmacological action of

Choline alfoscerate as a carrier of choline and a precursor of phosphatidylcholine has the potential to prevent and correct biochemical lesions, which are of particular importance among pathogenetic factors of the psycho-organic involution syndrome, that is, can affect the decrease in cholinergic transmission and damaged cell composition. The chemical structure of choline alfoscerate (containing 40, 5% choline) has the property of metabolic protection and provides the release of the active substance - choline in the brain tissue. Choline alfoscerate has a positive effect on memory functions and cognitive abilities, as well as on indicators of emotional state and behavior, the deterioration of which was caused by the development of involutional brain pathology.


The pharmacokinetic characteristics of the radiolabeled drug were similar in different animal species (rats, dogs, monkeys) and consisted of the following: absorption from the gastrointestinal tract completely and quickly accumulates and is distributed in various organs and tissues, including brain, renal excretion makes up about 10% of the administered dose in 96 hours, the concentration of the drug is higher in the brain compared with tritium labeled choline. Buy Choline alfoscerat solution for iv. and w / mouse. enter 250 mg / ml 4 ml 3 pcs. (Choline alfostserat) in florida free shipping. Fast international shipping USA, AU, EU, UK and others.
Pharmacological action of

Choline alfoscerate as a carrier of choline and a precursor of phosphatidylcholine has the potential to prevent and correct biochemical lesions, which are of particular importance among pathogenetic factors of the psycho-organic involution syndrome, that is, can affect the decrease in cholinergic transmission and damaged cell composition. The chemical structure of choline alfoscerate (containing 40, 5% choline) has the property of metabolic protection and provides the release of the active substance - choline in the brain tissue. Choline alfoscerate has a positive effect on memory functions and cognitive abilities, as well as on indicators of emotional state and behavior, the deterioration of which was caused by the development of involutional brain pathology.


The pharmacokinetic characteristics of the radiolabeled drug were similar in different animal species (rats, dogs, monkeys) and consisted of the following: absorption from the gastrointestinal tract completely and quickly accumulates and is distributed in various organs and tissues, including brain, renal excretion makes up about 10% of the administered dose in 96 hours, the concentration of the drug is higher in the brain compared with tritium labeled choline.


Psycho-organic syndrome on the background of involutional and degenerative processes in the brain, the consequences of cerebrovascular insufficiency or primary and secondary cognitive impairment in the elderly, characterized by impaired memory, confusion, disorientation, decreased motivation and initiative, decreased concentration.

Behavioral and affective disorders in old age: emotional lability, increased irritability, decreased interest.

Senile pseudomelancholy.


Hypersensitivity to choline alfoscerate and drugs with a similar chemical structure

Hemorrhagic stroke (acute stage)



Children under 18 years of age.

Special instructions

Nausea may result from dopaminergic activation. When this symptom occurs, it is recommended to reduce the dose of the drug. As a rule, the drug is well tolerated even with prolonged use. Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms During treatment, care must be taken when driving vehicles and when engaging in potentially hazardous activities that require an increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.


Active ingredient: choline alfoscerate polyhydrate (in terms of choline alfoscerate) - 250 mg.

Excipient: water for injection - up to 1 ml.

Dosage and administration of

The drug is administered intramuscularly or intravenously (dropwise, slowly) at a dose of 1000 mg

(1 ampoule) per day for 10 days.

If necessary and in case of good tolerance, the dose of the drug and the duration of treatment can be increased by the attending physician depending on the clinical picture, the nature of the disease, the age and tolerance of the drug.

If adverse reactions occur, the dose of the drug may be reduced.

Side effects

From the digestive system: constipation, diarrhea, nausea, dry oral mucosa, pharyngitis.

From the nervous system: headache, drowsiness, insomnia, aggressiveness, anxiety, nervousness, dizziness.

From the skin: rash, urticaria.

Other: pain at the injection site, increased urination.

Overdose of

Symptoms: nausea.

Treatment: symptomatic therapy.

Conditions of supply of

pharmacies Prescription

dosage form

injection solution

Choline alfoscerat solution for iv. and w / mouse. enter 250 mg / ml 4 ml 3 pcs. (Choline alfostserat) florida in pharmacy online. Cheap price, instruction, side effects, dosage. Choline alfoscerat solution for iv. and w / mouse. enter 250 mg / ml 4 ml 3 pcs. - Sale. PayPal accept. Free shipping florida. Fast international shipping.

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