Brain Booster Colloidal -ED Medical. For brain activity.

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Overview of the Brain Booster and the Brain

The fact remains: from the moment of birth, there are already 14 billion in the human brain.


The months and years of growing up do not increase but decrease this invaluable potential.

After 25 years, the number of cells decreases by 100 thousand per day.

Even in a minute, sadly, 70 cells die.

Whether it is easy for the brain in such a situation, one can only guess.

We add that the modern way of life with its constant stress loads, as well as the unfavorable environmental situation damage already fragile cells, provoke and aggravate the course of brain diseases.

There are objective reasons that affect human brain activity.

Among them are the so-called risk factors that all people are exposed to, regardless of gender, social status and nationality.

Risk factors.

1. Stress.

This is one of the main risk factors.

Even short-term stress, such as haste, can disrupt the functioning of nerve cells.

Massive and prolonged stress has more serious consequences.

Increases in cortisol, a stress hormone that damages the hippocampus, a department responsible for learning and memory.

How exactly this happens, scientists do not yet know, but it has been established: the stronger the stress, the more serious the disturbances, for example, of memory.

Some researchers even suggest that elevated cortisol levels may be a major cause of Alzheimer's.

2. Female and male differences.

Women suffer from degenerative brain diseases MORE often than men.

Perhaps because they live longer on average.

Degenerative-destructive phenomena often begin with the vessels of the legs (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis).

This process does not spare blood vessels and cells - the disease eventually spreads to the brain.

Men can meet brain diseases EARLIER, especially obese ones.

Extra pounds are usually associated with high levels of cholesterol and blood sugar, as well as high blood pressure.

All this taken together leads to the development of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain, a decrease in the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues.

3. Physical fitness. All types of physical activity increase the number of compounds required for the production of neurotransmitters - chemical agents" that ensure normal functioning. The most famous of them are: serotonin (produces a feeling of well-being), norepinephrine (maintains a state of composure) and endorphin (relieves pain, relieves anxiety, gives a feeling of pleasure). Physical activity is also necessary for the formation of dendrites - processes through which nerve cells transmit nerve impulses. Another merit of exercise is that it improves blood circulation. Thanks to this, oxygen and nutrients are delivered faster and better to all organs, including the brain. This is especially importantbecause it needs an intense supply of oxygen to function optimally, it uses more oxygen than any other organ.

4. Occupation.

Experts say that people who live an intense intellectual life are less likely to develop dementia.

After all, they use all the structures of the brain, there is a constant training, and therefore atrophy practically does not develop.

5. Age (biological).

In the second half of life or early aging, the number of brain diseases increases sharply.

After 40 years, degradation accelerates, after 50 - neurons (nerve cells) "dry out", and its volume decreases.

There is a risk of developing vascular atherosclerosis, deterioration of blood flow, which disrupts brain activity.

6. Alcoholism. The people say that alcohol "dries the mind, discourages memory." Back in the late 19th century, Russian psychiatrist Sergei Korsakov analyzed similar states of memory loss: a patient, even in a sober state, forgets everything that happened just a minute ago, while the intellect is relatively preserved. "Korsakov's syndrome" is highly developed in countries where strong alcoholic beverages are traditionally consumed. Where wine is preferred, such violations are less common. However, neurologists and psychiatrists warn about the dangers of promoting wine as a panacea: with concomitant liver diseases, the effect may be the opposite. Still, moderate drinkers get sick less.

There is a culture of alcohol consumption that is closely related to lifestyle, dietary rules (more fruits, vegetables and fish limiting salt and animal fats), ethical norms and strict control frames - these are natural barriers.

There are exceptions, for example, modern French studies have shown that moderate alcohol consumption improved brain function in older women.

But - not in men!

And abuse, as you know, leads to the degradation of both sexes.

7. Infections.

Dysfunctions of the brain often occur during intoxication, after viral diseases, such as flu or herpes.

Viral infections very often affect the nervous system.

It is good for the patient if a small branch of a distant nerve is affected, but sometimes the virus enters the central nervous system and affects the brain.

A person thinks that he has the flu, drinks antipyretic and pain relievers, but the disease progresses, memory and ability to concentrate deteriorate.

The process is often irreversible.


If you have noted 2 or more risk factors inherent in you, it is important to take measures to keep the cells functioning at the proper level.

In modern life, we are constantly faced with negative factors that can disrupt the functioning of the nervous system and lead to disturbances in the activity of the brain.

The challenge is to minimize their destructive impact.

To do this, you must follow the simplest rules.

They will help prevent the development of diseases, maintain soundness of mind and strong memory.

Basic rules of a sound mind.

Know and control your blood pressure.

High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of cerebral blood flow disorders.

Follow a diet low in salt and fat, strive for a balanced diet with a predominance of fruits, vegetables, cereals.

In order to preserve memory as long as possible, doctors recommend that everyone, regardless of age, adhere to the "Mediterranean" diet: fish, seafood, vegetables, fruits, olive oil.

Use physical exercise to increase your activity in your daily life.

A daily walk for 30 minutes, cycling, swimming, golf, dancing, tennis improves brain activity.

If you drink alcohol, moderate your needs.

A glass of wine or beer a day can reduce the risk of illness, but excessive intake provokes and worsens diseases of the nervous system.

If you have diabetes, strictly follow the rules for blood sugar control.

Control your blood cholesterol levels, as one of the most common causes of brain disorders is cerebral atherosclerosis.

If you smoke, stop or reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke per day.


NOT all drugs advertised in the media are harmless and effective as the Colloidal Brain Booster.


Complex of natural colloidal bioactive nutrients

Medicinal plants, microactivated in the form of a colloidal solution

Complex of bioactivated colloidal vitamins and microelement selenium


1 bottle




Manufacturer country


Purpose of dietary supplements


Package quantity, pcs


Scope of the medicinal product


Minimum age from

18 years

For children


Volume, ml.

237 ml

Way of introduction

Through the mouth

Vacation conditions

Without recipe

Contraindications dietary supplements

Dietary supplement.


A type

Dietary supplement

Expiration date in days


Package weight, g


Mode of application


Standard application of 5 ml 1 time per day immediately before or after meals.

Shake the bottle well before use.

If desired, it can be dissolved in 100-200 ml of liquid (water, juice), except for dairy or fermented milk products and broths.

Information on technical characteristics, delivery set, country of manufacture "

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