Blue lamp NEVOTON photochromotherapeutic apparatus

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Type of food

From 220V network

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A type

Medical irradiator


In the last decade, a new direction has emerged in physiotherapy - photochromotherapy, based on the use of narrow-band LED radiation of different colors.

The most studied application of red, green and blue LED optical radiation.

The physiotherapeutic effect of photochromotherapy is so mild that its use is allowed even for children from 0 years old.

Blue lamp NEVOTON with a wavelength of irradiation from 460 to 480 nm.

In medicine, blue light is used to treat a wide variety of diseases:

Arthritis, polyarthritis


Bruises, injuries, wounds



Pharyngitis, laryngitis



The blue lamp NEVOTON is an irreplaceable assistant in solving a number of problems.

Blue light penetrates to a depth of 2-4 mm in human tissue, has a suppressive effect on Staphylococcus aureus, fights inflammation and promotes recovery.

It is an efficient, reliable, simple and easy-to-use and, importantly, an affordable device.

The NEVOTON lamp has been tested in Russian clinics, registered with Roszdravnadzor and recommended for use in medical practice.

The instructions offer detailed methods for the treatment of a number of diseases.

The blue lamp NEVOTON has a therapeutic effect:

monochrome blue light

a magnetic field with a strength of 6-25 mT

acupressure toning massage.

Blue radiation has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effect, with the greatest therapeutic effect expressed in the acute stage of the disease.

The blue color of the visible spectrum belongs to cold shades, it has a calming and balancing effect on the human body.

Blue light reduces the excitability of the nervous system, slows down the speed of nerve conduction and has an analgesic effect.

This is the basis for the use of blue light in diseases of the peripheral nervous system, especially in pain syndromes.

Blue light lowers blood pressure and improves sleep.

When the skin is irradiated with it, the functional state of the skin receptors, their excitability, changes, which is manifested by an analgesic effect.

Blue light is actively absorbed by bilirubin, causing it to break down into substances readily removed from the body.

This property is based on its use in maternity hospitals, in the treatment of jaundice in newborns.

Blue radiation is actively used in complex therapy in traumatology, neurology and dentistry.

Blue light actively prevents the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, which contributes to the speedy elimination of boils, accelerating the healing of burn surfaces.

In patients with radiculitis and osteochondrosis, after a course of treatment with blue narrow-band light with a wavelength of 470 nm, pain goes away, blood circulation in the affected muscles improves, and muscle spasm is eliminated.

The magnetic field improves metabolism at the cellular level, promotes healing of wound surfaces, and suppresses allergic reactions.

Acupressure massage is carried out using optical lenses of LEDs protruding from the working part of the head of the device.

This massage removes excess fluid from the tissues, relieves swelling and increases blood flow in the capillaries.

Indications for use

osteoarthritis and dorsopathy (widespread osteochondrosis of the spine, degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine)

for other diseases - on the recommendation of the attending physician.

Contraindications for use

Malignant neoplasms and benign neoplasms with an upward trend

Systemic blood diseases, bleeding tendency

Stage II heart failure, decompensation of cardiovascular diseases

Acute renal and hepatic failure

Severe forms of diabetes mellitus and decompensation of diabetes mellitus


Individual intolerance to light radiation, magnetic field, massage

In the presence of an implanted pacemaker, it is not allowed to use the device at a distance closer than 25 cm from the place of its implantation.


Type of food

From 220V network

Manufacturer country


Dimensions, mm


Item weight, g


A type

Medical irradiator

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Package weight, g


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