BAA Flavopolisan Biotic-S 120

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Purpose of dietary supplements






Package quantity, pcs


Scope of the drug



The immune system






Flavopolisan is a unique complex containing the amino acid L-lysine, isosalipurposide, polysaccharides of the maitake, shiitake and cordyceps mushrooms.

The use of biologically active food additives provides for PREVENTION, which often provides a person with a completely different quality of life".

Homo sapiens (homo sapiens) is responsible for his own health.

Taking dietary supplements, carries out prophylaxis of his body, maintains immunity at the proper level, preserving mental energy.

REMEMBER: a failure of immunity and nervous breakdowns can destroy a person by activating hidden infections and the development of incurable ailments up to cancer.

However, it's easy to say: maintain your immune system and don't get nervous!

This is at our pace of life, with all the problems that we have ?!


It's difficult!

But that is why we say again and again: “Take dietary supplements for prevention, help your immunity and your body, as a living biological object, will answer you with great gratitude.

BAA "Flavopolisan" is designed to provide a protective barrier (prophylaxis) against herpes infection.

What is herpes!

And why do we know so little about him ?!

Herpes is a parasitic virus that is latent and cannot be treated with antibiotics.

Herpes multiplies in the nuclei of cells and is characterized by the highest reproduction rate.

It is not for nothing that the disease, and the virus that causes it, was named by consonance with the Greek word Herpetus (snake).

And, truly, this terrible virus shows a serpentine character.

The cells affected by the virus are practically not restored (the cell nucleus is affected), this is due to the high pathogenicity of the virus.

The herpes virus multiplies on the mucous membranes and skin, after which it passes through the nerve fibers to the nerve nodes, in which it is in a latent form.

As soon as a small failure of immunity occurs (stressful situations, hypothermia, exacerbation of chronic diseases), the herpes virus immediately activates and begins to multiply.

Within 24 hours, viruses produce millions of their own kind, which enter the bloodstream, adhere to red blood cells and are carried throughout the body with the blood.

The latent danger of herpes lies in the fact that they penetrate into the accumulation of nerve cells, where they live for many years, not manifesting themselves outwardly until immunity fails.

Herpes is not a harmless "fever" on the lips, a "cold"!

It's just a disaster!

A scary rash, creeping bubbles on the internal mucous surfaces, attachment (can torment a person for decades), secrecy and unexpected aggravation that is difficult to treat.

Herpetic infection is accompanied by discomfort, very severe pain, itching, and cosmetic problems.

The causative agent of herpes simplex and genital herpes, which infects 98% of the world's population, has been identified.

There are several ways to get a herpes infection:

- genital-oral

- aspiration (when sneezing and coughing)

- contact (for kissing, physical contact)

- sexual

- vertical (in utero from mother to fetus).

By the way, if the mother's nervous system is protected from the virus, then the fetal system is powerless against the aggression of the virus, which can subsequently cause cerebral palsy in the child and a decrease in intelligence.

The manifestation of herpes, as we said, directly depends on immunity.

According to WHO, 90% of women with monthly herpetic eruptions have inflammatory diseases: inflammation of the uterine appendages, chronic tonsillitis, anemia (anemia), lack of calcium in the blood, lack of iodine, primary thyroid insufficiency.

Activation can occur against the background of lack of sleep, irrational diets, hypothermia, operations, injuries ...

Incomprehensible (unexplained) ailments in gynecology, in gastroenterology, in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in diseases of the organs of vision, ear, throat, nose, may be associated with latent viral herpes infection and should not be limited to symptomatic treatment, excluding the presence of herpes.

Confirmation in the table.

The main directions in the treatment of herpes infection are:

- restoration of immunity

- removal of toxins from the blood

- elimination of the deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

The dietary supplement "Flavopolisan" contains active ingredients that can "curb" herpes infection:

- L-lysine - as a levorotatory isomer, it is successfully used for the prevention of genital herpes.

L-Lysine is a natural medicine used in medicine to treat herpes.

In addition to the fact that it inhibits the multiplication of the virus, it also plays the role of a building material for all proteins, promotes the growth and restoration of collagen, participates in the production of antibodies, hormones, enzymes, promotes calcium absorption, and slows down damage to the lens of the eye in case of cataract.

Under stress, the lysine stores in the cell are quickly depleted and the virus is activated.

Therefore, people who are a lot of anxiety are more likely than others to experience recurrent herpes.

- Helichrysum extract contains the isoflavonoid isosalipurposide, which promotes the elimination of toxins of endogenous and exogenous origin from the liver, improves liver function, improves blood quality, and increases bile secretion

- Cordyceps mushroom (fermented mycelium powder) has been known in China for 1200 years and is recognized as the "miraculous work of God."

It is a highly effective means of immunological regulation, a natural (natural) antibiotic, has an anti-inflammatory effect, dilating blood vessels, increasing blood supply to the heart and lungs.

Possessing high adaptogenic activity, cordyceps effectively removes toxins from the body, including drug residues.

It has antitumor activity, stimulating the activity of leukocytes and restoring their level in the blood.

Restores the normal activity of the liver, kidneys and lungs.

Improves metabolism in the tissues of all organs.

Increases the ability to resist fatigue, oxygen starvation, reduces blood lipids, promotes calming, normalizes blood calcium balance.

- Maitake mushroom is one of the most valuable Japanese mushrooms.

It is called a "geisha mushroom" i.e.

helped to maintain the health of women in ancient times.

It is recognized throughout the world for its ability to help the body fight herpes, overweight, diabetes, hormonal disorders.

- Shiitake mushroom in oriental medicine is comparable to ginseng.

The history of the use of the mushroom in Japan and China goes back to 1400 AD.

Shiitake contains phytonutrients that have anti-influenza action through "virus-like" particles that cause the body to produce its own interferon, a powerful protein component of the immune system that blocks virus replication.

The polysaccharide lentinan contained in shiitake stimulates the activity of L-lymphocytes, which activate macrophages.

Lentinan stimulates the activity of natural killer cells that destroy tumors and viruses.

The maitake mushroom and the shiitake mushroom mutually reinforce each other, activating antitumor immunity by increasing the production of interleukins, interferon, killer cells in the body.

Inhibition of tumor growth and protection from metastasis occurs.

Thus, L-lysine blocks the multiplication of the virus at the chemical level, and medicinal mushrooms stimulate antiviral immunity during the elimination of toxins through isosalipurposide.

BAA "Flavopolisan" will help to cope with ailments, protecting our immunity and peace of mind.


1 capsule contains:

L-Lysine: 110.0 mg (2.7% of the RDI)

Isosalipurposide (flavonone glycoside): 5.0 mg (5% of the RDI).


Helichrysum extract, L-lysine, Maitake mushrooms, Cordyceps, Shiitake


individual intolerance to the components of dietary supplements, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

It is recommended that you consult your doctor before taking it.


Release form


Manufacturer country


Purpose of dietary supplements






Package quantity, pcs


Scope of the drug



The immune system





Item weight, g


For children


Vacation conditions

Without recipe

Contraindications dietary supplements

Dietary supplement.


Expiration date in days


A type

Dietary supplement

Package weight, g




Vitamin and mineral complexes


Fortifying vitamins





Mode of application


Adults take 2 capsules 3 times a day with meals.

Duration of admission is 1 month.

If necessary, the reception can be repeated.

Information on technical characteristics, delivery set, country of manufacture "

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